Using only regular hexahedrons to approximate surfaces

Hello, as a beginner of Cubit,I would like to know if it is possible to complete the model using only regular hexahedral approximation surfaces. How can I proceed? For example, for the following model:

I hope all seniors can provide guidance on the maze。

If there is a fitted cylinder in the middle, can we only use regular regular hexahedra to construct such a model.

to get a structured mesh you can make surfaces where a map scheme will work. To achieve this some webcuts will help.

create brick x 10 y 10 z 10
webcut volume 1 with cylinder radius 2.5 axis z
webcut volume 1  with plane vertex 1 vertex 6 vertex 3  
webcut volume 1 3 with plane vertex 2  vertex 5  vertex 4

now we have to make sure that we can use a map scheme for the cylinder. for this we will imprint the volumes. The merge afterwards ensures the connection of the volumes and that we don’t have coincident nodes.

imprint vol all
merge vol all

when we look at the cylinder now, we can see where it got imprinted and that we have 4 vertices at the top and bottom surfaces.

now we will set the meshing scheme for the top cylinder surface and mesh it. after that we will mesh the rest.

Surface 11 scheme map
mesh surface 11
mesh vol all

a structured mesh is not always the better choice when it comes to quality of the hexes. when the autoscheme uses the paver and we get a unstructured grid, it can be better with less effort
when we compare the quality between those two, we will see that the unstructered grid has a better hex quality for the scaled jacobian quality metric.

create brick x 10 y 10 z 10
webcut volume 1 with cylinder radius 2.5 axis z
webcut volume 1  with plane vertex 1 vertex 6 vertex 3  
webcut volume 1 3 with plane vertex 2  vertex 5  vertex 4   
imprint vol all
merge vol all
Surface 11 scheme map
mesh surface 11
mesh vol all
quality volume all scaled jacobian global draw mesh

create brick x 10 y 10 z 10
webcut volume 1 with cylinder radius 2.5 axis z   
imprint vol all
merge vol all
mesh vol all
quality volume all scaled jacobian global draw mesh

was this helpful to you?

Thank you very much for your reply. Although unstructured grids are better, due to my existing processing conditions, I would still like to know if it is possible to replace the unstructured hexahedron in the original model with a regular regular hexahedron, and build a structured model that is entirely regular hexahedron. Although your response was not the result I wanted, it was still very helpful for me as a beginner. Thank you again for your response. Thank you.

if you want a mesh only with regular hexes, then you will end up with stairs at the volume interfaces.

you can do that with sculpt.

create brick x 10 y 10 z 10
webcut volume 1 with cylinder radius 2.5 axis z   
imprint vol all
merge vol all
Sculpt volume all processors 2 box expand 0 size 0.5  stair 2 csmooth 0 smooth 0 capture 1
draw block all


is that what you are looking for? otherwise please provide me with an example.

Yes, it’s like this. But can the cells near the cylindrical surface gradually decrease to fit closer to the surface, for example:

You can do refinement like this

with the adaptive meshing from sculpt.

But Cubit doesn’t support a T-type intersection in the grid like in your example.

Thank you for your answer. I have gained a deeper understanding of Cubit.