Meshing sheet metal parts

What is the recommended way to mesh sheet metal parts that need to be volume meshes (meaning not shell meshes) and have refined meshes around areas where welds are done?

Hi @welding_guy,
do you have a example for the geometry that you want mesh?
Do you import the geometry as volumes or as sheet bodies?

Here’s an example of geometry. It is really any kind of sheet metal geometry from an automotive BIW structure. I’m working on this one, which is a volume geometry. (3.9 MB)

For volumes like this, compositing surfaces can save a lot of time.

To mesh it, you will probably have to set the sources and target for the sweep scheme manually. If you don’t composite the surfaces that you need for the refinement. Then those surfaces can be easily used for refinement after meshing the volume.

import parasolid "/home/user/cubit/1614871417_1p55mm.x_b" nofreesurfaces attributes_on separate_bodies
webcut volume all with plane xplane offset 1.25 
delete volume 1

composite create surface 4, 5, 7 to 10, 15 to 17, 27 to 49, 59, 60, 74 to 97, 101, 130 to 134, 169, 180 to 189, 197, 201 to 203, 205
composite create surface 22, 62, 65 to 69, 71, 73, 98, 99, 102 to 106, 109 to 119, 121 to 126, 129, 135, 136, 138 to 147, 149 to 156, 163 to 168, 170, 173 to 178, 191 to 196, 200, 204, 206 to 213

volume 1  redistribute nodes off 
volume 1  scheme Sweep  source surface 214 1 6 199 197    target surface 215   sweep transform least squares 
volume 1  autosmooth target on  fixed imprints off  smart smooth off 

volume 1 size auto factor 6

mesh volume 1 
refine surface 199 6 1 numsplit 1 bias 1.0 depth 1

That looks very interesting. Is there a video tutorial I can follow?

I think the door lock tutorial covers all you would need.

If you need a video. It was also part of a webinar some time ago.