DAGMC workflow toolbar

Thanks to @pshriwise for creating this toolbar that helps streamline some of the DAGMC workflow commands in Coreform Cubit. (See additional DAGMC tutorials here). DAGMC is used to prepare CAD data for neutronics calculations in codes like OpenMC and MCNP. Patrick also provides some test files that you can run to verify that you are getting the correct results as you run the commands in the toolbar. Please give it a try and let us know if it’s helpful or if you have any questions. The zipped folder below contains the following files.

NOTE: due to a known issue in the version of QT that we are using for Coreform Cubit on the Mac, this toolbar will not load on Mac versions of Coreform Cubit.

(Updated 5 November 2024)
dagmctoolbar.zip (2.2 MB)

  • dagmc_toolbar.tar.gz – the DAGMC toolbar

  • sample.i – a simple MCNP input file to be imported into Cubit
  • imported.cub5 – expected state after importing the MCNP file
  • updated-names.cub5 – expected state after running the DAGMC toolbar “Update Material Assignments” command
  • update-to-blocks.cub5 – expected state after running the DAGMC toolbar “Convert DAGMC Group Assignments to Block Assignments” command

Expected model tree after each step:

  • imported

  • updated names

  • updated to block assignments