I just tried to install Trelis on Windows 8. Trelis installed correctly, but the Sentinel run-time environment gave me a ‘Operating system not supported’ error.
If the license manager has problems with Windows 8, follow these steps:
Right-click on haspdinst.exe in the /bin folder and choose Properties.
When the Properties dialog box appears, click the Compatibility tab and then click the Run Compatibility Troubleshooter button.
Windows 8 tries to guess what version of Windows you need, and then it applies the changes. If it begins working, you’re done. If you still have trouble, though, move to Step 3. -
In the Compatibility Mode section, select the Run This Program in Compatibility Mode For check box and select the program’s desired Windows version from the drop-down list. (Windows 7)
Click OK and then try running haspdinst.exe again. This needs to be run as ‘haspdinst.exe -i’ from a command prompt.