Why could not Mesh be restored?

Coreform Cubit Version:2022.11
Platform:Windows 10

I saved the mesh as a file, but when opening the file next time, ERROR happend and mesh could not be restored. Just as the picture showing. I dont know why this happened.

There are some volumes i meshed successfully previously, but when i adjust them, the problem may also occur. I cannot finish my job.

Hi @Hunter7788,
have you tried a more recent version of cubit? There were some bug fixes the last releases that concerned the save files.

Are you saving your model in the .cub or in the .cub5?

If the problem is still present in the current version, we would need your geometry and your journal or a minimum working example for this behaviour to track this down.

Thanks for your help.
I saved my model in the .cub5 and I will try the latest version.
If I save the volume in the .cub and delete it, then import the .cub again, the volume will not have any problems, which is my new discovery from yesterday.

Please let me know if the problem still persists in the latest release.