I want to mesh this volume that is cut by several nonplanar surfaces (see attachment). I am having trouble imprinting the surfaces and webcutting the volume as I would do with planar surfaces. Can you please assist me in properly webcutting the volume?
I will be meshing this with tets. I would like to cut slits in the volume instead of making separate volumes, but am not familiar with how to cut slits, as I generally use the regular webcut tool.
I tried using the chop command but got the following error:
“Delete uncommon geometry on these volumes before operation”
All of the nonplanar surfaces are volumes except for one which is a sheet body. The three volumes were imported as facet files and I created the sheet body based on some field-based measurements.
Performing CHOP with volumes containing geometry
from different modeling engines is not allowed.
Delete uncommon geometry on these volumes before operation.
It means that you have some faceted geometry and some ACIS geometry (maybe geometry you created in Trelis?) The chop command works if the geometry is the same type. For example, you have all STEP files."
Is the model something you could upload to the post or email to support@coreform.com?