Webcutting dome-like imported geometry

I’m importing a geometry with openings that I want to add a fluid volume through. It’s easy enough to create a cylinder, subtract the geometry that exists and get the remaining volume, but I want to cut it down to where the fluid volume is only that which exists within the dome structure. I figured I would be able to create a surface by using bounding curves and selecting the two curves defining the edge of the opening and then using that in conjunction with the other top surfaces of the dome to split the fluid volume, but when I try to create the surface using bounding curves, that I get this error:

Cubit>create surface curve 14 57 
ERROR: Multiple loops must be co-planar.
ERROR: In AcisModifyEngine::make_Surface
       Cannot make Surface object.
ERROR: Couldn't make new RefFace.
WARNING: >>>WARNING:Surface creation was unsuccessful.<<<
Journaled Command: create surface curve 14 57

My idea was to create the surface here:

I may be overcomplicating things or going about this in the wrong way, so any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!


Can you just do a webcut volume <m> with sheet extended from surface <n> and pick one of the existing dome surfaces to extend as surface n?

I don’t know how the extension will affect other parts of your model.


Hi @karl,

I ended up doing a conical webcut by calculating the slope between the curve points of the opening and then offsetting the cone to skim that surface.

webcut volume 12 with cone radius 0 110 location 0 161 0 location 0 113 0 preview

Then I had neat volumes to delete to leave the volume I actually wanted.