Volume with complex cavity inside

Dear all,

I’ve been struggling for a while to get a properly meshed model. It is brick with a complex cavity inside. I was using ITEM to prepare the geometry (get rid of the small features: (speaking of which having virtual geometry doesn’t make any issues with exporting the mesh, for finite element analysis, right?)). You can find it here (https://transfer.coreform.com/hI4M5l/smaller_unmeshed.cub), and the meshed one here (https://transfer.coreform.com/wm2Fbc/smaller_meshed_07_04.cub).
In reality the brick will have dimension of 3000x3000x420 meters (but the cavity inside stays the same, it is not larger e.g. https://transfer.coreform.com/JzwGlJ/29_06_subtracted.cub), I just made the smaller model in order to finally succeed to have something mesh.
When talking about the meshed one I have a few concerns, one is that mesh is not quality enough (how do you define parameters when checking for Jacobian? And how to assure that mesh quality is good enough?). Another thing is that the number of elements is very high. I don’t need this fine mesh, apart from the places just around cavity. Mesh size can be like 50-60 meters (for my finite element analysis I don’t need finer mesh). I understand that just around cavity mesh size needs to be much finer. My question is can also this be done, fine mesh around cavity and the going coarser towards outer surfaces?

What would you suggest? Using sculpt?

I actually tried sculpt but there are some errors, but would it be the best solution for this type of geometry

SCULPT Running on host name: tomislav-ASUS

At time: Thu Jul 4 19:00:11 2024

Initializing MPI on 12 Processors: mpiexec = /usr/bin/mpiexec

/usr/bin/mpiexec -n 12 /opt/Coreform-Cubit-2024.3/bin/psculpt -j 12 -x 64 -y 53 -z 7 -t -669.023287 -u -1072.472410 -v -105.986922 -q 1269.023287 -r 532.472410 -s 105.986922 -e sculpt_parallel.diatom_result -d sculpt_parallel.diatom

/usr/bin/mpiexec: Error: unknown option “-n”

How could one fix this?

Could you give me some pointers, please, how should one deal with this kind of geometry.

If it can help, here is just the cavern (which is later being subtracted from the brick): https://transfer.coreform.com/ngHMKN/04_07_cavern_more_clean.cub

Btw I was using tetmesh and converting it to hex since I need HEX8 for my FEA. Sometimes I was ending up with pyramids which cannot be converted to HEX which is again bad for me.

Many thanks in advance!
Sorry for the confusing post.

Kind regards,