Upcoming Coreform webinars

We are excited to announce the beginning of Coreform webinars. We have enjoyed meeting users in person over the years for trainings and seminars, with the global pandemic we are now embracing webinars to continue to offer training and learning opportunities both with Coreform Cubit and Coreform IGA. The first webinar is on December 10, register for this and others today! Also, please let us know which topics you would like covered at these webinars!

Matt Sederberg
Coreform CEO

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The Coreform Cubit basics webinar starts in about 30 minutes - you can still register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88190001215?pwd=MDRtaDcraHhCa0hkQzFMT0pqOVFCQT09