I would like to understand the error/warning message below. I have a model geometry and now I am looking to mesh it. I used the command validate volume all
and I get the message below.
Does this means that there is a problem with the model geometry and I can’t mesh it? How do I fix this problem?
Any advice will be very much appreciated.
validate volume all
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
Found 2 bad coedges in volReservoir. The curves: 163
ERROR: with 'volReservoir' in the ACIS geometry.
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
improper edge intersection: Curve 196 Curve 206
Found 2 bad curves in volReservoir@L. The curves: 196, 206
Found 2 bad coedges in volReservoir@L. The curves: 400
ERROR: with 'volReservoir@L' in the ACIS geometry.
2 possible problems detected
Finished Command: validate volume all