Understanding output of validate model geometry


I would like to understand the error/warning message below. I have a model geometry and now I am looking to mesh it. I used the command validate volume all and I get the message below.

Does this means that there is a problem with the model geometry and I can’t mesh it? How do I fix this problem?

Any advice will be very much appreciated.


validate volume all
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve location != coedge location:
Found 2 bad coedges in volReservoir. The curves: 163
ERROR: with 'volReservoir' in the ACIS geometry.
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
pcurve direction != coedge direction:
pcurve location != coedge location:
improper edge intersection:  Curve 196 Curve 206
Found 2 bad curves in volReservoir@L. The curves: 196, 206
Found 2 bad coedges in volReservoir@L. The curves: 400
ERROR: with 'volReservoir@L' in the ACIS geometry.
        2 possible problems detected
Finished Command: validate volume all

At what level did you set the validation. A model is typically OK if it passes at the default value of level 30. If you bump the validation up to level 70, you may be checking things that don’t matter.

ACIS is based on a standard BREP wing-edged data structure. Edges have sense entities called coedges. The pcurve is the “parametric curve” underlying the edge. The errors in this case seem to indicate that the start of the parametric curve is not aligned with the sense of the coedge.

This should not matter for tetmeshing a volume. It may cause problems if you are doing geometric operations like webcuts on the volume.

It looks like we need to clean up some error messages in the validate code, these may be coming uncensored directly from ACIS.


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Thanks @karl, I am using the standard value.


If the model doesn’t pass at level 30 you may want to try healer autoheal vol <id> rebuild.
