I try to generate the hex mesh of a missile’s surround region. The surrounding region
is cut into 3 volumes at plane z=5 and z=-5.
I try to mesh the half-sphere structure in z<=-5 with thex and the -5<z<5 region with sweep.
However, when thex mesh are generated for z<=-5 sphere, sweeping for intermediate
volume failed. The error message does not show why it fails.
I have another question that, can I allow nodes on suface to redistribute while doing ConditionNumber smoothing for better mesh quality? It seems mesh on surface never changed when executing smooth.
When hex mesh are generated from right to left, how to mesh sphere structures with a hole inside?
I run into similar trouble before when surface mesh of a half sphere shell’s cross section is generated first. That’s quite difficult to deal with.
Welcome to the forum. In general I try to avoid the thex algorithm because it creates such poor quality elements. What are the requirements for your mesh. Does it have to be all hex elements?
The best way to get all hex elements would be to decompose the mesh into hex-meshable sections. Here is one solution to your problem.
Welcome to the forum. In general I try to avoid the thex algorithm because it creates such poor quality elements. What are the requirements for your mesh. Does it have to be all hex elements?
The best way to get all hex elements would be to decompose the mesh into hex-meshable sections. Here is one solution to your problem.