Tet Mesh Error with Non Planar Surfaces

Hello, I’m trying to generate a very fine mesh in complex geometry, first when I try to mesh the surface and then all volume I obtain this error:

Trelis>mesh surface 72 73 79 88 smooth
Matching intervals successful.
WARNING: The CAD face with id 79 cannot be meshed (error -1)
WARNING: The CAD face with id 79 cannot be meshed (error -5)
WARNING: The CAD face with id 79 cannot be meshed (error -5)

Or when I try to mesh the entire volume with size{500.0*m}, the computer collapse.

I attach the script and the geometry file.



I would suggest scaling the model into a better numerical space. I did the following in Cubit 2022.11 that should be released next week.

volume all scale .001
surface 72, 73, 79, 88 size 2.5
volume all scheme tetmesh
mesh volume all

Remember that you will either need to scale the mesh back up prior to or as part of the export or change your material units for example from meter to kilometer.


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I do see your issue when I try to mesh with the much smaller size. I was able to mesh the surfaces by using scheme tridel. The trimesh algorithm is the most robust algorithm, but the tridel algorithm works well when you want a constant small size over the entire surface. It isn’t great when you need a gradation on the surface.

At the specified size I created 288 516 851 tetrahedra. I needed a big machine to create the mesh. You will need a very big machine to analyze the mesh. The minimum quality is not good. It is positive Jacobian but just barely.


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It is possible to run Cubit Trelis on a cluster with Linux OS?



It is possible to run the sculpt algorithm a cluster. I need to look at licensing options and see if it is possible to run the tetmesher in a cluster. My initial answer would be no. It is multi-threaded but not MPI enabled. I will verify that.


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