Tensor-Glyphs in ParaView

Thought I’d share this, today I discovered a filter in ParaView called “Tensor Glyphs” - which consume tensor variables at points (e.g. via Crunch’s PolyVertex output sampling) and makes ellipses representing the tensor:

Thought this might be of interest to @krford, or to any Coreform-ers needing to debug their code (research or production).

EDIT replaced image with a better image (showing the pipeline and Tensor-Glyph properties) and added the below image for the (insta)grams

How do you interpret this? Is this only for symmetric rank-2 tensors like stress? I assume they eigen decompose the tensor to find the principal axes and values. The axes then orient the ellipse while the values provide the sizing of the ellipse.

I can only assume it only works for rank-2 tensors, I’ve just discovered this feature. Here’s what the context-help brings up:

That’s weird that they have that toggle. I wonder how much the two would differ from each other. I don’t even know how I would interpret it without it toggled to use the eigen decomposition