sweep mesh 3d..target and source face mesh aren't the same


I want to create a somewhat like a 3d wedge with two side with same mesh. For this particular case, I have a meshed 2d face (see figure 12d_face.JPG). I want to create a meshed 3d volume by sweeping this target 2d face about the Y-axis for -1 degree include mesh.

The result is not quite what I am looking for. For the most part, the it was able to create a 3d meshed, but some how the faces of the target and the source faces are not the same see Figure 2 target_face.JPG and 3 iso_view.JPG.

I want the target and source faces to have same mesh pattern. I also tried turning off autosmooth target off but it doesn’t help. I also tried creating the 3d wedge first, then mesh target surface…and then sweep that surface to the target surface to mesh the 3d wedge but still the same problem persist.

Is there any way I can achieve what I want? I want to create a wedge where the two face (side have same mesh).


Could you provide the journal file for creating and sweeping this example?


Lets try to look at a simpler geometry.

Below is the journal:
create surface rectangle width 1 zplane
move surface 1 x 0.501 y 0.5 z 0 include_merged
mesh surface 1
refine curve 3 numsplit 1 bias 1 depth 1 smooth
sweep surface 1 yaxis angle -1 steps 0 include_mesh keep

Problem: Target face and source face are different mesh. Target face is distorted (see figures). This only happen when I used a refine mesh transition.

What I want: Target face and source face are the same. I need this because I want an axisymmetric model.

There are two or three problems here:

  1. The surface has been moved in the x direction such that curve 2 is 0.001 away from the y-axis. This means that when the surface is swept about the y-axis, it will create a small, sliver surface.

  2. I don’t think there is a way to do a rotational sweep in Trelis to produce wedge elements.

  3. The reason the mesh does not line up is because of the sliver surface and the mesh is on the source and target surfaces is not the same.

Here’s a possible workaround:

create surface rectangle width 1 zplane
move surface 1 x 0.5 y 0.5 z 0 include_merged
sweep surface 1 yaxis angle 45
webcut volume 1 with cylinder radius 0.04 axis y
merge all
mesh surface 10
refine curve 15 numsplit 1 bias 1 depth 1 smooth
vol 1 scheme sweep source surface 10 target surface 8
vol 1 redistribute nodes on
mesh vol 1
surf 14 scheme trimesh
curve 23 25 int 1
mesh surf 14
vol 2 redistribute nodes on
mesh vol 2