SUBTRACTION with volumes containing geometry from different modeling engines

.Coreform Cubit Version: Coreform TrelisPro 17.1
Platform: Ubuntu 20.04

I am trying to build a model of the human thorax with the tissues inside. I do the FEM analysis after I build the geometries. We developed an algorithm to build the AORTA geometry in Cubit.
But, e.g., the thorax has been reconstructed from a CT scan, simplified in Meshmixer and then inserted into Cubit. For my FEM simulation, I have to subtract the aorta from the thorax to define two different material properties, but CUBIT does not allow this and gives me this error “Performing SUBTRACTION with volumes containing geometry from different modelling
engines is not allowed”. Can anybody help me in this regard on how to solve this problem?

Hi @Badeli.vahid,

Welcome to the forum. As you noted, Cubit does not support subtracting Cubit geometry, built with ACIS, from facet-based geometry, imported via STL files.

However, there is a tet-meshing option that accomplishes a similar task. The command

volume <ids> tetmesh respect {node <ids>|edge <ids>|tri <ids>|face <ids>}

allows us to specify triangles on the surface of the aorta that will be included or respected while meshing the thorax.

You can read more about the tetmesh respect command in the online documentation 5.4 Meshing Schemes ( in the section labeled Conforming the tetmesh to internal features.

One thing to note, if you remesh the aorta surfaces without doing a reset, you should issue a command of the form

volume <ids> tetmesh respect clear

to ensure that you don’t have old triangle ids in tetmesh respect command.

The model that I use here is obviously simplified, but it should show the fundamental ideas.


# create the "aorta" as ACIS geometry in Cubit
create curve arc radius 1 center location 1 0 0 normal 0 0 1 start angle 0 stop angle 180 
create curve location vertex 2 location 0 -10 0
create surface circle radius .25 yplane 
undo group begin
sweep surface 1  along curve 1   keep  individual 
delete curve 1 
undo group end
undo group begin
sweep surface 1  along curve 2   keep  individual 
delete curve 2 
undo group end
delete body 1
unite body all
volume 1 name 'aorta'

# jump through some hoops to create facet-based geometry representing the thorax
set geometry engine facet  # go into facet-based geometry mode
set developer on
brick x 5 y 14 z 5
vol 2 move y -4
vol 2 move x 1
set developer off
set geometry engine acis # go back to acis mode
volume 2 name 'thorax'

# do the actual meshing
aorta size .5
aorta scheme tetmesh
mesh surf in aorta
thorax size .7
thorax scheme tetmesh
# this command is used instead of a Boolean subtraction to define the boundary of the aorta
thorax tetmesh respect tri in surface in aorta
mesh volume all
draw tet all
graphics clip on direction 0 0 -1
graphics clip manipulation off
#graphics clip off

Thanks a lot for the tip. In order to solve the PDE based on the generated mesh, I must subtract the aorta geometry from the thorax domain, so the aortic part will be excluded from the thorax domain, to be assigned with the proper material property of its own. I.e., there should be a surface defined between the thorax domain and the aorta after subtraction. Otherwise, it does not work. Please look at the attachment; there is no solution for the aortic part because of that.


Do you want to apply material properties on the surface of the aorta? You can create Cubit blocks to represent element sets for material properties and element properties.

block 1 aorta
block 2 thorax
block 3 surface in aorta

Block 3 will contain the triangles on the surface of the aorta. You could represent those as shell elements in your solver.

If you want the aorta to be a thick-walled object, you could change the circle creation at line 6 to create an annulus

create surface circle radius .25 yplane 
create surface circle radius .15 yplane 
subtract vol 2 from 1

Also, you will likely want multiple tets through the thickness of the aorta. You may need to decrease the element size and turn on anisotropic layers before meshing.

set tetmesher anisotropic layers on 3
mesh volume all

The blocks for the separate volumes should be created on export. You may still want to create the blocks manually, so you know the element groups you are working with in your solver. There are a couple of other changes. I’ve included the full thick-walled solution below.

For your aorta, you would need the aorta and the interior blood as separate volumes.



# create the "aorta" as ACIS geometry in Cubit
create curve arc radius 1 center location 1 0 0 normal 0 0 1 start angle 0 stop angle 180 
create curve location vertex 2 location 0 -10 0
create surface circle radius .25 yplane 
create surface circle radius .15 yplane 
subtract vol 2 from 1 keep_tool
sweep surface 3 2  along curve 2 1   keep 
delete body 1 2 
delete curve all
imprint all 
merge all
volume 1 name 'aorta'
volume 2 name 'blood'

# jump through some hoops to create facet-based geometry representing the thorax
set geometry engine facet
set developer on
brick x 5 y 14 z 5
volume 3 name 'thorax'
thorax move y -4
thorax move x 1
set developer off
set geometry engine acis

# do the actual meshing
aorta blood size .3
aorta blood scheme tetmesh
mesh surf in aorta blood
thorax size .7
thorax scheme tetmesh
# this command is used instead of a Boolean subtraction to define the boundary of the aorta
thorax tetmesh respect tri in surface in aorta
thorax tetmesh respect tri in surface in blood
set tetmesher anisotropic layers on 3
mesh volume all
thorax tetmesh respect clear
draw tet all
graphics clip on direction 0 0 -1
graphics clip manipulation off
#graphics clip off

Dear Karl.
Thanks again for your quick responses. If I want to specify my point, there must be a common surface between the thorax domain and the organs, as is visible in the picture. I can subtract the Heart from the thorax by “subtract heart from thorax imprint keep”, then a new geometry of thorax is generated in which the heart shape is subtracted from the thorax domain, thus, building a common surface, ‘heart surface’ after merging in both thorax and heart volume. That’s basically what I need to do with the aorta as well, but the subtract command can not manage this. I do not need to model the aorta’s wall
and am familiar with making blocks. I attached the CUBIT file; maybe that helps if You look into it. Thanks. (9.7 MB)


I think I may have a fundamental misunderstanding in your requirements. Normally, after the boolean operation, we would do imprint and then merge to ensure a conformal mesh between the two bodies. Do you want separate surfaces between the thorax and the organs so that you have duplicate nodes on the surfaces between the organs and the thorax?


Perhaps the easiest thing would be to just convert the aorta to STL.

export STL 'aorta.stl' tri in vol 49
del vol 49
import stl "./aorta.stl" feature_angle 135.00 merge make_elements 

then do the subtract like you did the heart.

I would be cautious about doing the boolean subtract on the facet-based models. This is only likely to work so long as there are no surface-surface intersections in the models.
