Set Separate After Webcut off


Does the command ‘Set Separate After Webcut off’ not work when using surfaces to cut volumes?

Through python script. I’ve created a simple cuboid. Then internal surfaces (by offsetting one of the outer surfaces) This created ‘layers’.

I then want to loop through these sheet surfaces and webcut the original cuboid. I expected that the body id will remain the same so this loop works after each webcut. But it doesn’t, each time the two volumes that are created are separated into two bodies. I’ve attached the script below.

dimen = [1.0, 0.1, 0.1]
layering_type = ‘h’
layering_num = 3


Bounding domain


cubit.cmd('brick x %f y %f z f' (dimen[0], dimen[1], dimen[2]))
bounding_volume = 1


Create internal surfaces


find outer surfaces

outer_surfaces = cubit.parse_cubit_list(‘surface’, ‘with not is_merged’)

determine the left and lower most surfaces

for surface in outer_surfaces:
if cubit.get_surface_normal(surface) == (-1.0, -0.0, -0.0):
left_surface = surface
if cubit.get_surface_normal(surface) == (-0.0, -1.0, -0.0):
bottom_surface = surface

create vertical layers

if layering_type == ‘v’:
for i in range(0,layering_num-1):
cubit.cmd('create sheet offset from surface %d offset f' (left_surface, -float(dimen[0]*(i+1))/layering_num))

create vertical layers

for i in range(0,layering_num-1):
    cubit.cmd('create sheet offset from surface %d offset %f' %(bottom_surface, -float(dimen[1]*(i+1))/layering_num))


Create internal domains


find created internal surfaces

internal_surfaces = cubit.parse_cubit_list(‘surface’, ‘with is_sheet’)

find id of body owning the bounding volume

bounding_body = cubit.get_owning_body(‘volume’, bounding_volume)

#************************************ THIS IS THE PROBLEM *********************************

web cut

for surface in internal_surfaces:
cubit.cmd('webcut Body %d tool surface d group_results' (bounding_body, surface))
cubit.cmd('delete surface d' (surface) )