Server Error: Connection refused at Server via VPN

iam having an Issue with Trelis 17.1 when using it on Ubuntu 20.04.

When iam inside my companies network it the license manager connects to my licence rlm server via port 5053 and the program starts.
However when iam using a vpn client i get the “Server Error: Connection refused at Server”.

I talked already to the ip departement and they opened the Port in the Firewall of my departement and made sure the server can be reached over Port 5053 from within the vpn ip range.

I even disabled the firewall of my license server but still no luck.

Does anybody have an aswer or idea why this is happening?

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards

@geri_m I use a license server over VPN myself to use Coreform Cubit, so I know that it works in general. What’s the content of your license file? You should have a file in your Trelis-17.1/bin/licenses directory called remote.lic. It should look something like this:

HOST <IP address or hostname> ANY 5053
ISV csimsoft

Is the IP address or hostname listed in the file still valid over the VPN or is it only valid on the local network?
If you don’t have a license file, then you should create one. The reason why it worked over the local network is because Reprise will automatically connect to servers on a local network, but it does not find servers on a VPN.

Once i connect in the local network i do get a license file.

But as soon as iam connected via vpn Trelis wont start and when i delete the license file i get the issue with the server.

The IP listed in the remote.lic file is the ip the computers get when they use trelis in the local network but when they connect via vpn they get a different ip adress.
So they have one for my departement and one, always ramdomly assigned form a certain range, when connecting via vpn.

Thank you for your help.

If the license server is going to be a randomly assigned IP address every time you connect over VPN, you’ll have to put that IP address into the license file in order for Trelis to find it. It is possible to put multiple license files into that licenses directory, and Trelis will cycle through them until it finds one that works. So you can have the license file that you use on the local network and one for the VPN. You’ll have to edit the VPN one to use the assigned IP address of the license server. Is there a persistent hostname you can use instead of the IP address?

The license server has a static ip adress that never changes, but the clients always change their adress when connected via vpn.

OK good, it shouldn’t matter what the client IP address is. It should work if you have the static IP address of the license server in the license file.

Hi Scot,

thank you for your help. So the problem has be found within the licence server settings or the settings of the firewall my departement uses.

Thank you a lot for helping me pin down were the issue has to be.

Have a nice day!