Sculpt the complementary domain

I am trying to use Sculpt to mesh a domain for an external flow problem.
The main idea would be to import the STL, create a sort of a bounding box containing the STL for the external domain, perform a boolean operation to cut the STL part from the bounding box and then to mesh the remaining with Sculpt.

However, I am not able to perform the cut operation, being the STL and the geometry two different object models.

Do you have any suggestion for how to handle such mesh problems?



Sculpt will allow you to mesh the volume around your STL model without needing to perform any Boolean operations.

Open the sculpt panel under Mesh/Volume/Parallel Sculpt. Select the Advanced Options checkbox and then define your bounding box.

Next go the Mesh tab. Click the Mesh Void checkbox and then you can select the Mesh Void Only option. I would suggest setting a block ID for the elements in the void.

Click the Mesh button and you will get a mesh that will contain only the void around your STL model.

I created this last image by turning on the graphics clipping plane and typing “draw block 1” from the command prompt.


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