Dear all,
I am trying to mesh a complex model using Sculpt. When I use element size, say, 10 I get some of the detached portions and a lot of negative jacobian elements. Therefore, I try reducing element size gradually. When I set element size 8, the mesh is much better but there are still some detached portions and bad elements. However, when I try element size 5, Sculpt fails to run with the following error message:
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node sage exited on signal 9 (Killed).
Sculpt Unexpectedly Aborted
Sculpt log file written: sculpt_parallel.log
Begin execution of external EPU process…
/opt/Coreform-Cubit-2021.11/bin/././epu -p 8 sculpt_parallel.diatom_result
epu – E Pluribus Unum
(Out of Many One – see
ExodusII Parallel Unification Program
(Version: 4.11) Modified: 2013/08/29
Cannot open file ‘./sculpt_parallel.diatom_result.e.8.0’
ERROR: (EPU) Problem initializing input and/or output files.
End execution of external EPU process
Sculpt log file written: sculpt_parallel.log
Importing exodus mesh: sculpt_parallel.diatom_result.e
Import terminated abnormally
ERROR: Command Failed.
I believe I have enough memory and storage. Any suggestion/advice would be greatly appreciated.