Running sculpt outside of Cubit

Coreform Cubit Version: 2021.3 and 2021.11
Platform: 20.04.4 LTS and CentOS 7

I’m having trouble running sculpt on input files outside of the CUBIT itself. Taking the suggestions from several other post I’m trying to use the “Create input file” option to generate a sculpt input file to use some advanced/development features and parameterize the thing I’m trying to mesh.

I can’t make it work, the reason why varies with the version I try:

  1. For 2021.11 I can’t use sculpt at all. If I try from within CUBIT I get a “ERROR: Unrecognized Keyword: ‘sculpt’” message. If I run psculpt from the command line I get “ERROR: Cannot run Parallel Sculpt without a valid Coreform Cubit license.”
  2. For 2021.3 I can run sculpt just fine from within CUBIT and I can generate input files. When I try to run sculpt using either the script that gets generated, the “sculpt” program, or “psculpt” directly I get various combinations of MPI errors like:

“Error: unknown option “-np””

“Sorry! You were supposed to get help about: opal_init:startup:internal-failure”

I am using the pre-packaged MPI in the CUBIT packages. I’ve tried various combinations of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make sure it’s using the prepackaged MPI libraries but that doesn’t seem to help.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I have a commercial floating license.

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