Repositioning Nodeset Not Working??


The repositioning node set seems to not work for this version of Trelis Pro. After creating a nodeset 1, I want to move all then nodes by some rel. x, y, z. My command is this Nodeset 1 move -.001 0 0 --> this command didn’t move the nodes in nodeset 1. So I thought it is a constrained to geometry issue, so I set node constraint off and try to move nodeset 1 again but it still didn’t work.

Previous Trelis Pro version, the step that I took works fine. Somehow I can’t do it in this version.

Any help will be appreciated.

I see that this isn’t working in 16.4, but is fixed in 16.5 (currently in the testing phase).

In 16.4 you can move the nodes using 'in ', using the entity used to create the nodeset. For example, if you used surface 1 to create the nodeset, move the nodes ‘in surface 1’.

bri x 10
Mesh vol all
nodeset 1 surf 1
node in surf 1 move x -.001