Remove Cubit Installation from Linux

I have Cubit version 2021.11 installed on my laptop Ubuntu partition. I also have it installed on the Windows 10 partition of the same laptop. I would like to uninstall the version on the Ubuntu partition, but I have not been able to find documentation on how to completely uninstall Cubit. What are the command lines required to remove the software?

A simple sudo rm -rf /opt/Coreform-Cubit-2021.11 should do it.

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Thank you for the assistance with the removal! That appeared to work, although there was no confirmation message indicating that file removal was taking place or had been complete. The icon still remains on the applications menu. How do I remove the icon from the applications menu?

Ah, forgot about that one. There’s a file at /usr/share/applications called Coreform-Cubit-2021.11.desktop, delete that and the icon should go away.

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