I have meshed a tube but the wall thickness is only one element thick. How do I refine it by splitting each element in two in the radial direction while keeping the rest the same?
I have meshed a tube but the wall thickness is only one element thick. How do I refine it by splitting each element in two in the radial direction while keeping the rest the same?
Hi @anton,
I can’t think of a straightforward way that would allow for refinements in the radial direction only (although there’s probably a fancy way one could do this with the Python API).
I’m wondering if the “Hole” meshing scheme could alternatively be an option here though? So something like this:
# Create a ring
create surface circle radius 1 zplane
create surface circle radius 0.8 zplane
subtract surface 2 from surface 1
# Make the mesh
surface 3 size 0.1
surface 3 scheme hole rad_intervals 5
mesh surface 3
You can assign rad_intervals
above to set the number of elements radially you’d like the mesh to have.
Have a nice day
Hi Anton,
can you share your geometry? Your picture looks like its a Volume and not a surface that you want to refine.
Thanks @pmarty and @Norbert_Hofbauer for the help! I managed to get some more elements radially by partitioning the surface into smaller parts and assigning submap to each, while sweeping the inner surface of the tube outwards. This was a mesh-based geometry so I could not use the usual webcut and then imprint and merge approach.