I am currently working on a project where I am exporting curve data to a .igs file and I was wondering if there is an option available in Trelis to prevent it from exporting duplicate curves?
For example, if I create a simple 2-d geometry (.jou below) I will have a total of 6 curves in the Trelis model, but anytime I export it as a .igs file it will export a total of 8 curves with two of the curves being duplicated. This is not such an issue for smaller models, but once I export models with 10000+ curves it can become pretty time consuming to remove the duplicates at a later stage.
If anyone could provide a solution or some incite as to why this is happening it would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the sample journal script:
[code]# --------- ASSEMBLY AND PIN CELL INPUT PARAMETERS --------- #
#{Num_Pins = 1}
#{Num_Pin_Subregions = 4}
#{Wide_Outer_Assembly_Gap_Thickness = 0.95250}
#{Can_Thickness = 0.20320}
#{Inner_Water_Gap_Thickness = 0.20066}
#{Narrow_Outer_Assembly_Gap_Thickness = 0.47498}
#{Pin_Pitch = 1.6256}
#{Pin_Diameter = 1.06426}
#{Cladding_Thickness = 0.08128}
#{Can_Curvature_Radius = 0.8}
#{Total_Assembly_Pitch = 18.24000}
#{Inner_Assembly_Pitch = Pin_PitchNum_Pins}
#{Inner_Wall_Pitch = Inner_Assembly_Pitch + 2Inner_Water_Gap_Thickness}
#{Outer_Wall_Pitch = Inner_Wall_Pitch + 2*Can_Thickness}
#{Outer_Circle_Radius = Can_Curvature_Radius + Can_Thickness}
--------- CREATE PIN CELL(S) ------------
#{i = 1}
#{body_num = 1}
create surface circle radius {Pin_Diameter/2}
create surface circle radius {Pin_Diameter/2 + 2*Cladding_Thickness}
subtract body {body_num} from body {body_num + 1}
compress all
create surface circle radius {Pin_Diameter/2}
body {body_num} rename ‘B_{i}Cladding’
surface all in body {body_num} rename 'S{i}Cladding’
body {body_num + 1} rename 'B{i}Fuel’
surface all in body {body_num + 1} rename 'S{i}Fuel’
create group 'G{i}Pin_Cell’
group 'G{i}Pin_Cell’ add surface in body {body_num}
group 'G{i}_Pin_Cell’ add surface in body {body_num + 1}
#{body_num = body_num + 2}
#{starting_body_num = body_num}
#{starting_innerassembly_num = body_num}
create surface rectangle width {Inner_Wall_Pitch}
subtract surface in group all from surface in body {starting_body_num} imprint keep
delete body {starting_body_num}
compress all
delete surface all keep_lower_geometry
color curve all black
merge all
compress all
export iges “test.igs” overwrite[/code]