Coreform Cubit Version: insert version you are using (2024.3/2024.8)
Platform: insert platform, incl. version (Fedora 39/MacOS 14.7)
Extremely slow quality evaluation for triangular meshes of NURBS surfaces
When trying to evaluate the quality or perform smoothing for triangular meshes on NURBS surfaces, quality evaluation for a moderate sized mesh (e.g., ~20k elements) takes an extremely long time, typically an hour or more. This also applies when attempting to smooth a mesh. Note that this pertains to more complex quality metrics (I have tried Condition Number for both Quality and Smoothing, and Smart Laplacian for Smoothing). If I export the mesh and evaluate the quality in Paraview (using Condition Number, for example), the computation is instantaneous. Do you have any ideas on what I can do to improve performance? I can provide a journal file that demonstrates the issue, if desired.
Hi @charlesw,
could you please share the geometry so that we can take a look at this?
Hi @Norbert_Hofbauer,
I am attaching a journal file that creates a net surface and then creates a triangular mesh on it.
test1.jou (66.4 KB)
Hello @charlesw,
thanks for the journal. We can reproduce this but i don’t have a solution for you yet. The dev’s are informed and will track this issue.
Thanks very much, Norbert. I’ll be interested to see what the problem is.
Meshing speed can be improved by using the default trimesh algorithm instead of the tridelaunay algorithm. The tridelaunay algorithm is an older algorithm that is used for cases where the newer trimesh algorithm fails. You want to make sure that you turn the automatic geometry sizing off option off to give results that are similar to the tridelaunay algorithm.
set trimesher geometry sizing off
surf all size 5000
surf all scheme trimesh
timer start
mesh surf all
timer stop
We will release a new version of Coreform Cubit this quarter that will have improved speed. You can download and test the latest development release from the Downloads page.