Quality evaluation extremely slow for triangular meshes of NURBS surfaces

Coreform Cubit Version: insert version you are using (2024.3/2024.8)
Platform: insert platform, incl. version (Fedora 39/MacOS 14.7)

Extremely slow quality evaluation for triangular meshes of NURBS surfaces
When trying to evaluate the quality or perform smoothing for triangular meshes on NURBS surfaces, quality evaluation for a moderate sized mesh (e.g., ~20k elements) takes an extremely long time, typically an hour or more. This also applies when attempting to smooth a mesh. Note that this pertains to more complex quality metrics (I have tried Condition Number for both Quality and Smoothing, and Smart Laplacian for Smoothing). If I export the mesh and evaluate the quality in Paraview (using Condition Number, for example), the computation is instantaneous. Do you have any ideas on what I can do to improve performance? I can provide a journal file that demonstrates the issue, if desired.

Hi @charlesw,
could you please share the geometry so that we can take a look at this?

Hi @Norbert_Hofbauer,
I am attaching a journal file that creates a net surface and then creates a triangular mesh on it.

test1.jou (66.4 KB)

Hello @charlesw,
thanks for the journal. We can reproduce this but i don’t have a solution for you yet. The dev’s are informed and will track this issue.

Thanks very much, Norbert. I’ll be interested to see what the problem is.