Pyramid mesh to two tetrahedrons

We have generated a mesh with hexes and tets.

brick x 1
webcut volume all with plane xplane offset 0 
Volume 2 scheme tetmesh
imprint all
merge all
volume all size 1
mesh vol all
draw pyramid all

We want split the interface pyramid mesh into two tetrahedrons.
Would you show me how it is done with the Aprepro script?

We can do this using an external Python script.

Hi @ksugahar,
doing this with Aprepro commands won’t work, but we can use the python interface for this.

Here is a example. First we will create tets with the nodes from the pyramid and then delete the pyramid afterwards.

brick x 1
webcut volume all with plane xplane offset 0 
Volume 2 scheme tetmesh
imprint all
merge all
volume all size 0.5
mesh vol all

set dev on

volume_ids = cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
for vol_id in volume_ids:
 pyramid_ids = cubit.parse_cubit_list("pyramid",f"all in volume {vol_id}")
 for pyr_id in pyramid_ids:
  node_id_list = cubit.get_connectivity("pyramid",pyr_id)
  cubit.cmd(f"create tet node {node_id_list[0]} {node_id_list[1]} {node_id_list[2]} {node_id_list[4]} owner volume {vol_id}")
  cubit.cmd(f"create tet node {node_id_list[2]} {node_id_list[3]} {node_id_list[0]} {node_id_list[4]} owner volume {vol_id}")
  cubit.cmd(f"delete pyramid {pyr_id}")

draw pyramid all
draw tet all add


Hi @Norbert_Hofbauer ,
Thank you very much!
It worked perfectly in my case. Thanks again.