Propagated Hex Group with 1 src and 1 target surface error


I am going through the example of creating propagated hex group in the Trelis Pro website. Somehow, this command doesn’t work for me. For example, consider a 10x10x10 cube with hex element size of 1 (so this volume cube has 1000 hex element total).

I want to create a group(plus subgroup of a slice each…)that will propagate hex on the one source surface to the one ending surface.
I created a group name group2. Then I used this command:

group2 add hex propagate surface 1 target surface 6 multiple 2

(from my understanding, this command will create new group3 with subgroup of 5 within it…with each subgroup being every 2 layer hex ie 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th hex layer).

Somehow this command doesn’t work and spits out this message:

Group 2 doesn’t exist. Groups referred to by ID
must exist before being operated upon.

Why is that? I created group2 before I used that command e.g. there is a group name group2 with id 2.

Trying to debug this, I used the same command but without the multiple option:

group2 add hex propagate surface 1 target surface 6

and that command works fine as it is intended to do.

Am I missing something here?

Thanks for you help!

You do not need to create the group beforehand, then reference the existing group. For example

bri x 1
vol 1 int 10
mesh vol 1
group ‘jack’ add hex propagate surface 1 target surface 2 multiple 2