Passing MPI flags to sculpt

Coreform Cubit 2023.8 Fedora Core 38

Its not clear to me how one should pass arguments to mpirun when its called by sculpt, e.g. I may want to pass -npernode or -ppn or something like that. Could I call scuplt with mpirun explicitly rather than use -j e.g.

mpirun -np 14 sculpt <options>


The docs ( Coreform Cubit 2023.8 User Documentation) indicates that you would use mpiexec and not mpirun with the psculpt executable.

For example,

mpiexec -np 8  psculpt -stl myfile.stl -cs 0.5

The mpiexec command will take -ppn as an argument.


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Amazing, thanks sorry for the RTFM failure!