Mirroring/creating right-handed quad8/hex20 elements?

Coreform Cubit Version: 2022.4
Platform: MacOS 13.3.1

I created a 2D mesh that I am exporting as an exodus file. When passed to the FE solver, I get an error along the lines of “Element <ID #> is not right-handed” for a bunch of elements (possibly all). The advice I have gotten from the developers is to mirror the elements so that the primary node ordering follows the “right-handed rule”. For reference, the elements I am using are QUAD 8 (for 2D), and HEX20 (for 3D, in the future, but not right now).

Could you please share if there’s a way to “mirror” elements so that I can have right-handed elements?



Rather than “mirroring” the elements, I would suggest that you probably need to reverse the element normals. Here is a case where I created two surfaces with opposite normals. If I do draw face all normal I can see the normals flipped on the green surface.

If I run the command, reverse face in surface 1 all the faces in surface 1 get flipped and the node ordering is modified.

I have seen issues like this when doing axisymmetric models. The mesh must be in a specific quadrant and the elements must be oriented in a specific direction relative to the axes.


Hi Karl,

All the normals were in the same direction, and the mesh spanned all 4 quadrants.

I tried flipping all the normals with reverse face all but the solver still complains about left-handed elements.

I moved the mesh to the first quadrant but no luck with that either. If you have any further suggestions, please let me know.


Flipping the element normals typically works. Is the mesh in the XZ plane with all values greater than Y=0? That is typical for an axisymmetric analysis.


The mesh is in XY, and I have tried placing the mesh entirely in the first quadrant, so all X, Y >0, but it didn’t help. Does the image below (from libMesh) reflect the ordering Cubit follows?
