Meshing with CUBIT

I have meshed a cylinder as below. As it can be seen that ‘AUTOMATIC SIZING’ produces some non-uniform mesh moreover the mesh orientation isn’t radial.

To overcome this, I normally I model only 90deg sector of the cylinder and mesh it and finally mirror it to produce something as below which seems good, however, can someone please suggest if I can also achieve the same mesh quality by meshing complete cylinder in one go ? Thanks!


Hi Aakash,

Yes, you can. I do not know if it saves any commands. You must split one of the annular surfaces so that a mesh size can be specified across the annulus. I do not know why, but then you must specify the source and target surfaces for the mesh.

create Cylinder height 10 radius 2
create Cylinder height 12 radius 1.75
subtract vol 2 from 1
split surface 9 through vertex 5 2
volume 1 scheme Sweep source surface 9 target surface 8 sweep transform least squares
mesh volume 1


Thank you very much Mr. Karl for writing an alternative :slight_smile:

Another option is to specify the mesh scheme on the surface to hole:

create Cylinder height 10 radius 2
create Cylinder height 12 radius 1.75
subtract vol 2 from 1

surface 8 scheme hole rad_intervals 1
mesh vol all


Yes, that serves my purpose as well. Thank you.