Meshing of a included step file

Hello everybody,

I’m a new user of coreform cubit and use the software as an additional part for another to create meshes and CAD geometrics. Now I get a created geometry as an stp-data and don’t want to rebuild it in coreform cubit. So I import the data. So far so good, but now I’ll mesh different areas with different mesh sizes and the rest with the command “not is_meshed” but that doesn’t work. I assume that the surfaces are sometimes too small for the mesh size. So I try to simplify the surfaces but nothing works.
(merge surface ID with surface ID; remove surface ID; remove slivers body ID). Which way do you want to suggest to go?
My goal is to mesh them in a simple way the geometry without choosing every single surface and do it one by one.
I attached the .jou and the stp file.

Thank you for your time!


HF906_Antenna.jou (2.5 KB)

Horn2Print_04OCT2024_tr.STP (276.3 KB)

Hi @Michael_Polito,
the journal is missing. But i can take a look at your geometry.

The big question for me is here. Do you need a surface mesh or a volume mesh. Because the step file just contains surfaces. You would need to stitch them together and put a lot of work into cleaning this up. It’s most likely more easy to create the geometry from scratch in cubit or a different CAD to get you a volume that is good enough to work with.

If you just want a mesh, you would need to either do a trimesh or a tetmesh. A quad or hex mesh will fail when i look at those surfaces.

surface all scheme trimesh
mesh surface all

create volume surface all heal
volume all scheme tetmesh
mesh vol all

Thank you for your fast answer!
I replaced it and now there is also the journal.
Thank you for the question. I need a surface mesh and a quadratic mesh because the Electro-Magnetic Field Simulator needs them.
This model wasn’t created by me, but I believe that after designing it, the model was converted into a net model, and that is the result that I got, as you can see.

Can you send me a code snippet, with which you stitch to surfaces, for example, the pink and green surface (from your second graphic).
For some other imports, it could be helpful. For this, I think, redesign is faster.