Meshing hill model with a buried cube


I’m trying to mesh this hill model, including a block inside, but I’m encountering an error and don’t know the proper way to resolve it. Could you please help me solve this problem? Thank you in advance.

hill.jou (1.4 KB)

Hi @kianadmvnd,

you just need to decompose a bit further so that everything can be sweeped.

Just 2 webcuts more and it is already meshable.


create vertex location 0 0 {height}
create vertex location {radius*1/9} 0 {height*8.8/9}
create vertex location {radius*3/10} 0 {height*7/8}
create vertex location {radius*4/5} 0 {height*1/5}
create vertex location {radius} 0 0
create vertex location 0 0 0

create curve spline location vertex 2 3 4 delete
create curve tangent vertex 2 1 end direction -1 0 0 
create curve tangent vertex 4 5 end direction 1 0 0 
create curve vertex 1 6
create curve vertex 5 6

create surface curve all
sweep surface all zaxis angle 90
Volume all copy reflect x
volume all copy reflect y

brick x 500 y 250 z 125
brick x 50 y 50 z 50

move volume 5 z -62.5
move volume 6 z -62.5

unite volume 1 2 3 4 5
webcut volume all with plane from surface 31  
webcut volume all with plane from surface 32  
subtract volume 6 from volume 7 keep_tool
compress all
composite create surface all with z_coord >=0 keep angle 15
webcut volume all with plane xplane offset 0
webcut volume all with plane yplane offset 0
webcut volume all with plane zplane offset -62.5

imprint all
merge all

compress all
volume all size 5
mesh vol all