How do I go about meshing a single closed and irregular surface? I am currently trying to mesh the lower part of a femur. So its roughly like a small part of a cylinder morphing into a sphere with a big dent in the middle.
I would upload an STL file to show you an example but uploading STL’s is not allowed… after ZIPPING its allowed in principle but the attachments seem limited to 256 KiB which is rather odd given that any model will easily exceed that. You might as well not have an upload attachment feature on this forum…
Excellent thanks for your reply and thanks for increasing the upload limit. I got that journal file to work and am also impressed with the hex mesh in principle.
Do you have another example whereby this bone is say surrounded by soft tissue? I would like the surfaces to be smooth and the tissue mesh to share nodes with the bone mesh.
I’ve uploaded an STL file. Here I want the bones to be voids and am interested in meshing two regions 1) a fat tissue region and 2) a muscle tissue region with shared nodes. Not sure if the single STL as I created here is useful for that but let me know what you think. Any tips on how to approach the above?
I’ve been playing with STL files and journal file based meshing. In same cases the solids defined by STL’s do not have “bounding curves”. This leads to the error:
ERROR: Surface must have bounding curves in order to mesh surface.
Is there a smart and automatic way to add curves or avoid this? I find that say adding curves by cutting and merging the STL surfaces geometry (e.g. using some central planes) sometimes leads to geometric errors or inaccuracies. Any suggestions on this?