I have a single volume model as below. Ideally, I would like to use HEX element wherever possible but I wish to have WEDGE elements in RED regions. Is it possible to have such a mesh combination within a single volume ? Or do I need to have separate volumes in the RED region to discretize it separately ? Please advice.
Try clicking the “Allow 1 Triangle” in the mapped mesh panel. This invokes the trimap meshing algorithm and actually allows more than one triangle in this case. Sweeping the mesh with a triangle will create the wedge elements.
I modified your STEP file to recreate the sharp edges with the remove surface command.
import step “~/Downloads/model.STEP” heal
remove surface 3 extend
remove surface 1 extend
surface 5 scheme trimap
imprint all
merge all
mesh surface 5
mesh Volume 1
draw wedge all
Here is now a similar case, but just a single volume (.STEP attached). I can mesh this by adopting your above strategy for a 90deg sector and then reflecting it to form a tube. However, Is it possible to mesh it as a whole so as to have wedge elements at the ends of the tube and hex at the remaining region ?
As it can be seen, the overall mesh quality great, however, inside the RED regions, the mesh slightly deviates from radial direction. Is it possible to have an absolute radial mesh throughout this setup ?
You must have surfaces, not curves, to define a swept volume. You would need to cut the volume into quarters at least. I would recommend a process like:
webcut the volume into quarters
imprint and merge
set the cross section surfaces to scheme trimap
mesh volume all