Mesh generation on Cubit/Trelis with parallel processors

Hi all,

Could cubit/trelis be used with parallel processors to generate mesh now?

Hi echo,

Cubit generally doesn’t support parallel processing. The two expectations are Sculpt and Tet meshing. Tet meshing supports up to 8 cores.

Thanks for your reply @jessica .

  • Does it mean that Sculpt support parallel processing when generating all types of mesh(Tet, Hex, WEDGE) ?

  • Whether cubit/Trelis runs in a single core by default? How to control it to 8 cores running during meshing?

The Sculpt algorithm is primarily creates hex meshes. There is an option to create some tetrahedral elements in regions, but the majority of the elements will still be hexahedral. The sculpt algorithm will not create wedge elements.

You can increase the number of threads the tetmesh algorithm uses with the command

set tetmesher HPC on threads 8

By default, this option is on and the thread count is set to 4.


Thanks for your helpful reply! @karl