Linux installation instructions

How do I install Cubit 13.2 Lin64 SL.tar.gz and HASP Linux Runtime.tar? Do I need to have HASP running for Cubit to work?

Cubit 13.2 uses HASP to manage software licenses. You will need to have it installed for Cubit to work. Please try these instructions for installing Cubit on Linux.

Installation instructions for Linux

  1.   Create a Cubit directory
  2.   Unpackage the .tar.gz file in the new Cubit directory
  3.   In the Cubit root directory, run the cubit script

Installation of the license key

  1.   Unpackage the HASP Linux Runtime.tar file. It does not matter where the HASP tar file is unpackaged and it can be deleted when done because dinst copies the files where they need to go. It will create a directory called "aksusbd-X.X.X-i386" that contains the HASP license.
  2.   In the aksusbd-X.X.X-i386 directory, run the dinst script

You will need to run Cubit as a normal user with “./Cubit”