Issue when exporting the exo files containing the TRISHELL element

Dear Support Team,

I am using Coreform Cubit 2022.4 and I am having a problem when exporting exo files.
For a model containing the TRISHELL element type:

  • With the Cubit interface: The element type is displayed as TRISHELL
  • When reading the Exo file: “elem_type_name” is “TRI”

It seems that there is a mismatch between the element type displayed on Cubit UI and the one exported to the file. It leads to the wrong element type when importing this mesh file (exo) into other software.

The attachment is my mesh file. Could you please take a look at this issue?
TRISHELL_component.exo (14.7 KB)

Best regards,

Hi @Quan.Nguyen

Exodus only supports triangular element types with names: TRI, TRI3, TRI4, TRI6, TRI7

The TRI and TRISHELL element types in Cubit are types that both convert into an Exodus TRI element with the following differences:

  • The TRI element only exports the x & y components – it is a 2D element
  • The TRISHELL element exports all three components – it is a 3D element.

Let me know if that helps or if you have additional questions.