Is there a way to change group ID?

Coreform Cubit Version: 2021.11
Platform: Ubuntu 20.04

Could not find a way to change group ID
*I use “ID” command to change volume id but it was not able to change group id. Is there a way to do so?Thanks.



You can easily change the group name but the group id has to be recreated and the old group deleted.
For example,

brick x 1
group 'myGroup' equals surface 1 2
group 'myGroup_3' equals myGroup
delete group 2  # or delete myGroup

Note that groups must be created as a named entity. Group ids are less important. I would recommend using named groups instead of group ids when you can. Note that quotes must be used on names when creating the groups but references to groups are unquoted. If I am using names that common use names in Cubit I will precede the group name with an underscore ‘_’.

If you really want to use ids, you could create a set of groups with a sequential id range and then fill in those groups by id as you use them.

Does this help?

Thanks. That clears some of my confusion.