Imprinted Surfaces from stl files

Hello, I need some help. How can I imprint volume 2 on volume 1? they are exported STL that I know are in contact.

These are the commands I try:

set developer command on
imprint all
merge all

but nothing happens

Hi Luis,

Welcome to the forum!

Cubit has limited capabilities to modify facet-based models such as those that are imported from STL files. Imprinting with facet models is not guaranteed to be robust. That is why it is behind the developer option flag.

One option might be to recreate the geometry as CAD geometry. There are other tools that may be better at this than Cubit. You could recreate volume 1 by something like this process (I don’t have the model, so I will use descriptive names for ids.)

volume all scale .001
top_surface scheme map
top_surface size 2  # the denser the mesh, the longer the processing times on all operations
mesh top_surface
create surface net from mapped surface top_surface heal
# This will create a new CAD based surface

repeat the process with the bottom surface, then do

create volume loft surface new_top_surface new_bottom_surface

Volume 2 looks relatively planar. I would recreate as a simple shape that penetrates volume 1 and then do a Boolean subtract with the keep_tool option to create the volume 2 you are looking for.

Hope this is helpful,