I’m having some troubles importing an exodus field sizing function into Trelis.
I am currently exporting a sample volume tetmesh to an exodus file, writing a variable to that exodus file, and reading the mesh back into Trelis. Trelis recognizes that a sizing variable with the correct name has been set (in the GUI import exodus sizing function window), but when I try to apply the sizing function to the volume where the mesh was originally generated I get the error:
[i]Trelis> volume 1 sizing function exodus min_size 1 max_size 2
WARNING: Input Mesh interferes with existing mesh ids, increasing offset to 1780659
Reading element block 1 with 566976 elements of type TETRA4…
Successfully read 566976 elements for block 1.
Import mesh use nodeset associativity is FALSE: associativity data between nodes
and geometry in imported mesh files will be ignored.
Imported meshes will be associated to geometry by proximity only.
Mesh was assigned to the following entities and their sub-entities:
The 6 surface ids are: 1 to 6.
WARNING: 100115 imported nodes could not be associated with geometry.
Hint: “set debug 120 on” then re-import the mesh to print
the locations of these non-associated nodes.
WARNING: 566976 imported tets could not be associated with geometry.
These mesh entities may be unassociated for the following reasons:
- Some nodes may not have been in an element of the current element block.
- Some volumes may have been already meshed.
- The model may be only partially merged now, or the model may have been
only partially merged when the mesh was first created.
- The import mesh tolerance may be too small or big.
ERROR: Exodus sizing variable not found !!
ERROR: Exodus import error in reading sizing data.
WARNING: No exodus mesh for Volume 1
Journaled Command: volume 1 sizing function exodus min_size 1 max_size 2[/i]
and nothing occurs. Any chance I could get a hint on how to proceed?
I’ve attached my journal file.