I would like to import the topography data (x-y-z) into my cubit model and then built a surface based on that. I would appreciate it if you could kindly let me know how this could be achieved?
Thanks so much for your help!
additional note: In the past, I used to convert the x-y-z data into IGS surface using commercial CAD software, and then import it into cubit. This approach entails some approximation and it is cumbersome.
This is a cumbersome process in Cubit as well. I would create a python script to do the process. You want to create splines of constant x or y. Frequently, topographic data is organized by i, j, locations in k different layers… In that case use a constant i or j.
Read the file
create vertices for every coordinate.
Create splines through a constant i.
a) Keep the splines ordered by j
Create a spline surface using the “create surface skin curve” command.