I have a circle and a curve orthogonal to it. I would like to sweep the circle curve along the orthogonal line segment and at the same time taper it. i.e. I would like to do create a curved surface shell of a frustum. What is a good way to do this? I tried using Create → Cone but that creates a volume and I would only like the surface.
I would create the volume and then copy the surface. Are you meshing the surfaces? You might even consider just leaving the solid and meshing the surfaces.
Are you using python for scripting? I would recommend that because the Y-joint case could be a little complex.
cubit.cmd('create frustum height 2 radius .5 top 1')
cone_id = cubit.get_last_id("volume")
cubit.cmd(f'surface with not is_plane in volume {cone_id} copy')
cone_body = cubit.get_last_id("body")
cubit.cmd(f'delete volume {cone_id}')
cubit.cmd(f'draw body {cone_body_id}')