Dear all,
As shown below, you’ll see two surfaces, one before “imprint” and the other after. I got a new surface with two curves at the top and bottom, which connected the two visible surfaces to each other. So, I’ll get some errors later with meshing.
Now I try to split them into two surfaces and delete the short curves between them. It doesn’t matter which way I try, I’m not able to get the wish result.
Which option do I have to divide these surfaces? (The Surface is one Part of a Volume (take a view at the tree))
Best regards
Surface one without imprint
Same Surface with imprint
Volume with data-tree
Hello @Michael_Polito,
could you please share the geometry with us. I would need to reproduce this behaviour.
Hopefully the upload works.
The CAD-Data is built up as simply as could. There are still some small parts which could be built up better but before I do it, I will figure out, how high is the impact on the mesh quality.
Step by step I want to eliminate the problems.
Antenne_neu v7.sat (490.3 KB)
Antenne_neu.jou (2.2 KB)
Hello @Michael_Polito,
you could use the tolerant imprint to handle this surface.
imprint tolerant volume all tolerance 1e-3
instead of imprint vol all
But the geometry in general is not that good if you want to prepare it fast. The cause for the above surface issue is just a bad tolerance. The gap between the curves was too big. You should check the geometry with the power tools.
There are some small features that will cause trouble.
Yes, I see your second example also before, one of the bugs to repair.
Also, surface 16 (hopefully it’s the same for you) makes some problems. I still reduce the mesh size but it doesn’t help. I check the geometry size and the mesh size is high amount smaller than the geometry but still the error
“ERROR: Mesh break-out occured.
Try modifying the curve mesh intervals or mesh size.
(Usually decreasing the element size, or increasing
the number of desired elements will help.)
ERROR: Surface 16 meshing unsuccessful using scheme: pave
ERROR: 1 surfaces(s) did not mesh : 16”
surface 16
So I’ll find here the explanation for the power tools.
Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
Or you mean this
Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
On my machine it just meshes the surface.
I can’t execute your whole journal to the point when you are meshing. I don’t have the plugin available that you are using.
Can you provide a journal that will show this behavior when using cubit without any plugins?