How to mesh a sphere using triangles quadratic with six node

Greetings all,

I’m a newbie in using Trelis.
I’d like to mesh a sphere using triangles quadratic with six nodes interpolated by quadratic functions. I have read and searched the manual for a long time. Maybe it is the ‘tri6’ but I don’t know how to use it correctly.

I can mesh a sphere using plane triangles and here is my script:
set default element tri
create sphere radius 0.45
surface 1 size 0.1
mesh surface 1
disassociate mesh from volume 1
delete volume 1
Does anyone know how to mesh a sphere by quadratic triangles?
I really appreciate you can help me to figure out this problem.

I’m now successfully meshing a sphere using triangles quadratic with six nodes.
It is the “tri6” that works.

BUT now a new question comes that:
I can’t export it.
or to say that the export file is still the plane triangle.

Here is the script

set default element tri
create sphere radius 0.45
block 1 vol 1
block 1 element type tri6
surface 1 size 0.1
mesh surface 1
disassociate mesh from volume 1
delete volume 1
delete block 1

And I want a ‘.g’ file.

The question is that what Treils should have export is:
1130 node elements
564 tri elements
846 edge elements

BUT it exported:
284 node elements
564 tri elements
846 edge elemets
which is just the same as the old plan triangle

I really appreciate you can help me to figure out this problem.