How to mesh a cone shell with its surrounding area

Is it possible to mesh the following geometry into hexahedron? I can adjust the distribution of rings, and the dimension of surrounding volume if necessary. (2.4 MB)

Hi @WayneYY,
currently no volume is merged.

Should the inner volumes be subtracted and merged with the bounding box?

Thanks for you reply.

I need to mesh all volumes, surrounding region, the green shell, and rings on it.

You definitely could do it with sculpt. But that will result in a lot of elements to catch the thin inner parts.

open "/home/user/Downloads/radome.cub5"
subtract volume all except 86 from volume 86 keep_tool 
#imprint vol all
merge vol all
Sculpt volume all processors 4 size 0.002

Can your solver handle pyramids? If yes i would rather suggest to mesh the inner parts with hexes. The surrounding volume could then be meshed with the tet scheme and the pyramids should handle the transition between the schemes.

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Unfortunately my solver doesn’t support tetrahedron.
Thank for your reply anyway :slight_smile: