how to locate edge face intersection

I am struggling to mesh this model … s.cub?dl=0

the condition number (mesh quality metric) on all surfaces are good but trelis cannot generate a mesh. It says:

mesh vol 158
Meshing Volume 158 (Volume 158)
Beginning C A M A L - T E T M E S H (Ver 6.1-0) session
Found edge/face intersection: 19 86 with 4 87 413
Unable to generate empty mesh
End C A M A L - T E T M E S H session
Volume 158 (Volume 158) meshing unsuccessful.

How do I locate this edge/face intersection so that I can fix it?

I see that you are getting CAMAL errors. I am not getting these errors. You might be using an older version of Trelis. Since 15.1 we updated the tetmesher.

In Trelis 15.1.5, I opened your .cub file and subtracted the free surfaces from the two layer volumes, then merged and tetmeshed.

open “irpina_topo_22faults.cub”
subtract body 2 4 9 to 26 29 30 from vol 6 8
merge all
vol all scheme tetmesh
set keep invalid mesh on #(the mesh is actually valid)
mesh vol all
draw tet in tri in surf 40 to 48

“draw tet in tri in surf 40 to 48” draws the tet elements on the inner surfaces in the upper layer, just to show you that they meshed.

Here is the meshed model in the old .cub format: … ed_OLD.rar