How to create mapping quads on surfaces with square holes?

Hello my friends. I’m trying to generate 3D structured mesh for the following model. I want to first generate 2D quads and then generate hexs by sweeping. The surfaces includes many squares.

Ideally, I hope to generate mapping-like quads, as shown bellow:

How should I mesh my geometry? Can I mesh my surface by creating quads (through 4 vertexs) one by one my self?

Hi @WayneYY,
from what i see you could use the submap scheme on the top surface and then sweep from top to bottom.
Can you share the geometry?

You could probably do it. But i would be easier to just use webcuts to decompose the volumes into a lot of cubes and mesh them with a big enough size to get 1 element per cube.

Sure Hofbauer, here’s the cubit file and asic geometry
model1_2x2.cub5 (785.5 KB)
model1_2x2.sat (374.3 KB)

Submap works, but the elements at corner have low quality. Can I customize the location of each ndoe, or there’s better meshing strategy?

Yes you could move the location of a node with

Or split the curves to get a vertex that will then be meshed.


The fastest way would be to just decompose the geometry using webcuts and then imprint, merge and mesh the volumes.

open "model1_2x2.cub5"

reset vol all

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 126
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 125 
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 124  
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 123

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 90
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 91
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 92
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 93

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 305
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 777 
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 531
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 1126

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 713
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 461
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 203
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 932 

vol all size 0.01
imprint vol all
merge vol all
mesh vol all

These techniques are helpful, thank you Hofbauer.
How can I merge the decomposed volumes once I generate the mesh?
I got following errors with Boolean Operation->Unite, but I’m sure all volumes are imprint&merged:

If you want them in a block for export you could do that with

block 1 add vol all

If you want the starting volumes in a extra block. You could put them before decompsing in a block. This way all new volumes will get assigned to the block of the cutted volumes.

open "model1_2x2.cub5"

ids = cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
for i in range(len(ids)):
 status = cubit.cmd(f"block {i+1} add volume {ids[i]}")


reset vol all

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 126
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 125 
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 124  
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 123

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 90
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 91
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 92
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 93

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 305
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 777 
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 531
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 1126

webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 713
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 461
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 203
webcut volume all with sheet extended from surface 932 

vol all size 0.01
imprint vol all
merge vol all

mesh vol all

draw block all

To get one single volume you could use

unite vol all include_mesh

Got it! Thank you again :slightly_smiling_face:.