Hex grid interface

hi, To divide the grid between the undulating surface and the buildings above it, I need a larger grid for the surface and a smaller grid for the buildings.


set developer commands on
set import mesh tolerance 1
set multisweep on

import stl "../building.stl" merge 
import stl "../surface.stl" merge 

volume 2 size 0.5
volume 2 scheme sweep source surface 11 target surface 9 13
mesh volume 2
volume 1 size 0.25
volume 1 scheme sweep source surface 2 target surface 3
mesh volume 1

draw hex all

Is there any way to connect the grid between the surface and the base of the building? Thank you for your help.

Hi @aquanaut,
could you share your files via https://transfer.coreform.com/

I don’t have access to your google drive.


You need to imprint and merge the volumes to get a connected mesh.
After that you can already mesh the volumes together and refine the building volume afterwards.


import stl "../building.stl" merge 
import stl "../surface.stl" merge 

imprint vol all
merge vol all

volume all size 0.5
mesh volume all
refine hex all in volume 1 numsplit 1

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