Having trouble with nodesets

Coreform Cubit 2023.8 Fedora Core 38

Having some weird issues with nodesets; the geometry is imported from an exodus file, and I want to add some nodes to nodesets

Cubit>nodeset 1 name "fixed-bc" node 5691520
ERROR: Attempted to create empty nodeset; removing nodeset 1.

Ok, maybe my syntax is wrong

help nodeset
nodeset <id|auto_id> [ADD] {node|vertex|curve|surface|volume|group} <ids> [name <name>]

Ok, lets try

%>cubit.cmd('nodeset auto_id add node 5691520 name "fixed-bc"')
Set name of nodeset 2797 to "fixed-bc"
ERROR: Attempted to create empty nodeset; removing nodeset 2797

Maybe I’ve made up an invalide node id

Cubit>list node 5691520
  Node 5691520 --
           X-coord      Y-coord      Z-coord
          -3.066500    -0.347500    -4.102887
     Owner: none (imported node)
     Tets:  6043971, 6044134
Finished Command: list node 5691520

I’m sure I’ve done stuff like this in the past, I cant figure out what I’m forgetting here…


I tried to recreate your issue in a simple problem. I renumbered the mesh and made sure there was no owner. I get a failure case when I put the name at the end of command and a sucesss case when I put it in the middle. I don’t know why you are getting a failure with the python case. That succeeds for me. Switching to a tetmesh makes no difference (fortunately!). Adding only one node to the nodeset also makes no difference.

Do you have any more context for the failure?


bri x 10
mesh vol 1
renumber node all start_id 5691520
disassociate vol 1

list node 5691520

nodeset 1 node 5691520 name 'fixed-bc' # works
nodeset 2 name 'fixed-bc2' node 5691521 # fails

Hi Karl, I think its related to importing a this specific mesh under the ‘lite’ option, which leads to nodes with wrong ID’s maybe?