I have a visualization problem in Cubit. As can be seen in the attachment, the block “V_sample” should be highlighted, but something is being displayed.
Two days ago everything was still correct. Today I updated everything (I use Ubuntu 20.04) and installed a few packages. (see attachment “newInstalled.txt”)
I have also attached the python file for creating the geometry (rsst_latest.py).
Looking at your updates, I’m seeing anything obvious that would conflict. Updating the system python will not affect the python that is installed with Coreform Cubit. We link against a specific python version and that version of python is included in the Coreform Cubit install. I will ask my Linux gurus about the others. I am not seeing any of them that I would expect to make a difference to the VTK graphics engine.
Do you use Paraview? Have you noticed any issues there?
The only possible library conflicts that we can see might be related to gtk. Do you have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH set? Do you have Cubit added to your PATH? Where is it related to other executables in your path?
I’m stuck. I don’t know what the update did to break Cubit. Can you uninstall the packages and maybe install them one at a time to see what causes the problem?
We are currently running Ubuntu 22.04.1 on our Ubuntu development server.